Pre-Birth/Labor Preparation
Ease The Journey
For the mother, the third trimester of pregnancy is all about preparing for labor, delivery and of course meeting your new
little bundle of joy! Each and every delivery is a unique, special sequence of events never to be repeated again. And as such, no one can predict exactly how your labor might turn out to be. However, you do have the power to educate and prepare your self- physically, emotionally and spiritually for giving birth.
All women preparing for labor, whether vaginal or c-section, can benefit from Pre-birth acupuncture treatments. The main goal is to strengthen the woman's energies & bring about harmony and balance for best optimal condition before labor & delivery. By stimulating blood flow to the pelvis, promoting cervical ripening, reducing stress and helping position the baby in the best presentation for labor, acupuncture increases stamina, boosts the body's defenses and contributes to efficient labor. All of this can ultimately lead to reduced medical intervention and chances of complications.
Postpartum Acupuncture Treatments Help
Restore mother's energy levels
Remedy sleep deprivation
Stress and anxiety
Stop abnormal bleeding
Lower back ache
Urinary Incontinence
Breast feeding (low milk supply,
cracked nipples, engorgement)​​
Postnatal Depression
Post operative healing from c-section
Perineal ( graze, tear or episiotomy) healing
Hemorrhoids and constipation
Abdominal diastasis
Weight management
The Treatment Plan
Starting at 35 weeks or earlier until birth
Given once a week for total of 20 min
Private or Community style setting available
No prior experience with acupuncture necessary
For community acupuncture both reservations or walk ins are welcome